PPD PartyIt’s that time of year again! Warm sun, blooming trees, sitting on the porch, stopping to chat with fellow dog walkers. It’s time to start enjoying the outdoors, friends and good times!

If you know anything about South Park, you know we love our Porch, Patio and Deck Parties (PPDs) sponsored by our neighborhood association. No, you do not have to be a member of the association to attend. Or a homeowner. If you live here or work here, you are invited. It costs $5 to partake of the food and beverage. Much of the time it’s a carry-in, so neighbors can share the “pot luck.” But it’s all about getting to know one another, mixing it up, discovering the interesting, diverse people who live just down the street from you.

South Park is remarkable in the types of people it attracts, all walks of life, all socio-economic levels, and all are intersting in keeping the community close knit. South Park was built to encourage that and PPD’s keep it going.  Is it a good time?  We’ve been doing if for a century!!! You KNOW it’s a good time.  We each take turns hosting, too.

This historic summer tradition takes many forms. It’s a progressive party. Two neighbors per party volunteer their porch, patio, deck (even their garage–whatever works). It’s all about the camraderie, it’s got nothing to do with showing off.  Cold beer, potato salad, letting the kids run around while you catch up with friends…

Parties take place in June, July, August and September. If you’d like to host (we try our best to make it easy for you) please contact the Chair of the Social Committee, Amy Kennedy. It’s a Saturday evening–Amy will work with you to find a date. Email ankennedy@ yahoo.com.